Load Entitlement Data



Parameter Requirement Level Default Comment
districtid required 10291 Unique District ID number
unitid optional 60500 Unique Business Unit ID number for specific District. Omit this parmaeter
to get all units in the District ID
overwrite required 0 or 1 WARNING: Setting overwrite to 1 will replace the local database table with the new data.
Set overwrite to 0 to merge the new data with the exisiting one.
concurrent required 0 or 1 When concurrent is set to 1, FRAWS will execute multiple Quinyx SOAP API
calls at the same time to reduce the API call and processing time.
start required start or status By providing start keyword, FRAWS will start the SOAP API calls to Quinyx WFM.
If status keyword is set, FRAWS will check the current load status.
period String "2023" Return employee data only for the specified year.

Example Query


Example Output

  • { "Request": "Read Deployment Data Table From Quinyx", "Status": "Send" }