


Parameter Requirement Level Default Comment
districtid required n/a Unique District ID number
unitid optional n/a Unique Business Unit ID number for specific District
period String "2023" Return employee data only for the specified year.


Parameter Type Example Comment
persId Integer 2084091 Identificator for the assigned employee. 0 if shift is unassigned.
BadgeNo String "384858" Unique employee badge number
Name String "Peter Jones" Employee full name
Date String "2022-08-21" Employee absence start date in the following format: YYYY-MM-DD
Absence Schedule ID Integer 114840525 Identificator for an absence shift. If an absence shift origins
from a scheduled shift, a reference to it will be in orgScheduleId.
Leave Reason ID Integer 45436 Unique leave reason ID
Category ID Integer 572089 Unique category reason ID
Category Name String Annual Leave The reason of employee absence
Absence Start Time Datetime String "21/08/2022 14:30:00" Employee absence start date & time. Format: dd/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Absence End Time Datetime String "22/08/2022 11:30:00" Employee absence end date & time in the following format: dd/MM/YYYY HH:MM:SS
Break Start Time Time String "12:00:00" Employee break start time in the following format: HH:MM:SS
Break End Time Time String "13:00:00" Employee break end time in the following format: HH:MM:SS
Hours Decimal "11.5" Employee absence hours (break hours not included)
Productive Time Boolean True True if the shift is configured to be counted as productive time
(i.e. count toward total headcount in the schedule summary) in the shift settings dialog
Total Cost Decimal 0 Only included on assigned shifts with includeCosts = true.
Approved Integer 1 Employee leave approve status. 0 - Leave Applied / Denied, 1 - Leave Approved
unitId String "60500" Unique Business Unit ID number for a specific District
districtId String "10291" Unique District ID
unitName String "Imperial" Unique Business Unit name for a specific District

Example Query


Example Output
  • [ { "persId": 2026713, "BadgeNo": "386551", "Name": "Aasim Ishaque", "Date": "2022-03-03", "Absence Schedule ID": 98675657.0, "Leave Reason ID": 44260, "Category ID": 572107, "Category Name": " Dependency Leave", "Absence Start Time": "2022-03-03 10:30:00", "Absence End Time": "2022-03-03 20:30:00", "Break Start Time": "15:00:00", "Break End Time": "16:00:00", "Hours": 9.0, "Productive Time": 1, "Total Cost": 0.0, "Approved": 1, "unitId": "60500", "districtId": "10291", "unitName": "Imperial" }, ...